Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wednesday Blues

I managed to cook at home last night, which gives us a couple meals worth of leftovers.  Yay!  Much less expensive than eating out.  Though I can really see the price increases at the store now.  20% or more on some items.  I wonder if they will increase our wages that much next year?  HA!  FAT CHANCE!  We will just have to do things smarter.

Have to still get out and into the garage.  I'll post a picture when I do, since I know I'm not the only one who has "stuff" fill any available space!  It feels sometimes that there is just too much that needs doing.  I think it is just my impatience talking though.  The boxes of things took many years to accumulate, it shouldn't be surprising that it will take several days (or weeks) to disperse it.

Of course, I could just go through wholesale and pitch things.  That does fight against my desire to do what I can with what I have been given.  So much of our society is self centered and self serving, we dump/discard perfectly serviceable goods because it is easier to just buy new later.  We keep the story of stuff going because we can.  Because it is easy.  Because we have socialized the negative impact and privatized the profit.  Oops, ranting again!  Sorry!

The papers I can recycle, the books, maybe the used bookstore?  Or maybe I could take some training on marine electrical systems and then teach/advise/design/repair systems for others?  A definite idea.

I should see if there is a market for an electrical systems repair instructor out on the water;  if that would be something that others would like to see.  I was an electrical instructor at a technical school for four years, and really enjoyed it and was good at it.  I'm trained in aircraft maintenance and am a Certified Master Electrician and a Safety Codes Officer here in Canada.

"I'm still a young man you know, I've got prospects!" - Phillipe the Mouse (Ladyhawk, 1985)

Still, it feels at times that there is more motion backwards than forwards.  There are opportunities, they will require work but could pay off well.  It is just pushing ahead with the groundwork.   We will see how tonight goes....

Well, it is raining quite hard this afternoon.  It doesn't look like I'll be able to drag much out of the garage today.  Maybe I'll look at what on-line training is available instead.  The website Affordable Adventure Cruising looks to have a great deal of good reference material, though it does cost a small fee to access everything.  To have access to such a body of knowledge and knowledgeable people will be a huge asset considering what I'm planning.

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