Monday, August 1, 2016

Play the long game....

I tried to get something done today towards the shift, and managed to get a little progress.  I registered for a weekend class on voice acting.

I'm sure you are wondering what a class on voice acting has to do with heading off on the wild blue sea.  Well, I will need some way to earn some money that is not tied to one specific place.  I'm not a big writer, but I have always liked doing puppets and voices.  I think it is worth a shot.  By doing an actual class I hope to get professional feedback so I can decide "Yay" or "Nay".

The rest of the day was doing a family event of sorts;  we decided to head down to Kensington here in Calgary to see how their "Diagon Alley" event was doing.

They did not expect the crowds they got!  The police had to come out and shut down the streets!  Merchants who had participated had run out of the 'Potter treats and items that they had prepared, some having line-ups that took hours to get through!  Several shops we went through described it as being "...busier than Christmas!" and scrambled to bring in more staff.

There were lots of house scarfs and shirts, wands, pointed witches hats and broomsticks.  Everyone seemed to be having a great time.  Perhaps they will make it an annual event?  At least they would be ready for the crowds next time!

I was a bit disappointed in how little I did to move things ahead.  I have to remember I'm trying to play the long game, to build things carefully forward and not rush headlong into trouble.  If I cut corners it isn't going to work.

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