Thursday, August 11, 2016

Garage View

I managed to get a picture of the mess in the garage.

Maybe I can get to attacking it today?

It will a start.  I will need to get good at dumping if I expect to move us onto a boat.  Some things like furniture will just go as the house does.  Other things, like our extensive library, will be a little harder to part with.  I am wondering if a sea-can to store the things we just can't bring ourselves to get rid of would work.  In an ideal world, we would be able to buy a boat and a little place on the coast with what we would get for our house.  But right now that will not happen as we are in a downturn and Vancouver Island is in some kind of boom.  I suppose that if we found a lot that was inexpensive enough we could still do it.  Build a house when we return to land.  There are options.

We have found out that the sailing class has been moved to the same weekend as my voice class.  Grrr.  That's annoying.  They sound like knowledgeable people, and they use a C & C 41 for training on the coast.  I'm not sure what they use on Ghost Lake.  I will see if we can get the course material now for study, then take the class maybe in the spring?  Sept.?  How long do we want to delay?

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