
Here will be the listing of what boat(s) we have or have had.

Tasar - (1978)

I had bought a used CJ off a sailing club in Vernon B.C, for $50 to practice sailing in.  Due to some poor communication at the club, one of the other directors sold it to someone else after I had bought it and before I could get over to pick it up.  They were so embarrassed about it they sold me an old Tasar in its place.  It had not been used in some time, and had a hole in the bow, but it was still a nice little boat for an extra $100!  It was built in eastern Canada in 1978.  I patched the hole and re-built the seat support in the cockpit since all the wood had rotted away.  I have had it out on the reservoir here a few times, though this year I didn't pay for a parking space and it is still gracing our back yard.  I feel it will certainly be able to teach us the basics, plus a bunch!  I did take it out solo a couple times, but with any kind of wind plus my low experience I found I had to sail with the jib alone.  I tried to get the main up but realized pretty quickly that I wasn't going to be able to handle it!  Someday....  :-)

The picture I'm using as the background on the blog was taken from this boat while out on Glemore Reservoir last year.

For future reference, here is some advice on how to buy a boat.

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